A IS TO B AS C IS TO D - 2019 - Thesis - Master in Fine Arts - ASFA
Parts of tin cans, thread, nails
variable dimensions
This work is created in the context of a bigger project that i call it: T-HERE. In this project i commend on the question "When are we ever at home?". In english language there is a variation between the word "house" as structure and "home" as intimacy. I am intrested in a home that not necessarily means a house. So, in this project i aim to present the existance of writting as a multi-dimensional thinking. The writting system doens't appear only as substitute for spoken language.
Inspiration of A is to B as C is to D was a daily route that i used to make by riding my bike from home (point D) to labatory in ASFA (point A) and back. Because of this mapping i can always return home. The question is: Is there home?
Feels like I am at home while I am on my way home rather when I arrive there.